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Book I: The Servant of the Light – The Lascombes Declaration

“Madam President, Mister President of the Parliament, honourable Heads of State and Government, estimated Members of the Commission and the Parliament, citizens of Europe.

Allow me to join my colleagues and friends in reaffirming that today is no ordinary day. No, today is an unprecedented day in the history of this continent. Our continent. We all gather in this remarkable building, the symbol of our democratic institutions, to celebrate. To celebrate something that Europe has never experienced in the past, a union of wills, not a union of constraints.

For centuries, each of our nations bluntly walked the paths of discord, hatred, domination, and betrayal, blinded by the assertion of its righteousness. Despite numerous genuine attempts to strengthen our ties and hold on to a common goal, our old demons kept returning to lure us. Consequently, centuries elapsed with millions of innocent souls sacrificed as insignificant accessories. As current leaders, we are the unwilling custodians of this senseless, horrendous legacy of blood and tears. But we can no longer be complicit and accept hiding our heads in the sand.

Today, the time has finally come to redeem ourselves and to offer future generations the hopes so long denied to their forebears. It is our sacred duty to consider this endless list of past mistakes and ensure that, from now on, we will undertake every step, every action to protect and defend the fundamental rights every individual under our care is entitled to. Especially now, more than ever, as we collectively face an uncertain future. When our freedom and universal values are threatened on our doorstep. When across the Atlantic, the nation that was once the beacon of democracy and freedom is confronted with its worst identity crisis since 1861, plunging entire regions of the globe into political turmoil and uncertainty. When certain religious and factional groups try to dictate how we should live. And finally, when the very essence of life on this planet and our own existence as a species are at stake.

Therefore, as elected President of France, along with the approval of my national Parliament, I pledge my country to the service of our new Federation. As such, I officially surrender our regal power and swear allegiance to its Constitution ad Perpetuum.

But not only. We, your representatives, make this solemn vow in this new dawn. We cannot, and shall not, remain silent witnesses as the world slowly descends into madness. To quote Maurice Schumann, one hundred years ago, ‘World peace cannot be safeguarded without the making of creative efforts proportionate to the dangers which threaten it. The contribution which an organised and living Europe can bring to civilisation is indispensable to the maintenance of peaceful relations.

My fellow citizens, let us send a message across continents: do not lose faith; Europe stands by your side! And that’s what today’s accomplishment is all about. Humanity is experiencing a crucial moment in its history. By seizing this opportunity to join forces and sever the ties that bind us, this Union shows the path to a more stable world by speaking with a single voice. On the day India became independent, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru told his nation: ‘Yet the turning point is past, and history begins anew for us, the history which we shall live and act, and others will write about.’ That wisdom should become ours.

Right now, the nations of the Earth are staring at us, some in praise, some in fear. To the former, we say, ‘We are honoured by your trust.’ To the latter, we say, ‘We are not your enemies, respect us, and we will equally respect you.’ Yes, I agree; those are substantive words with elevated expectations. This coming administration holds a moral obligation to set them into action. We make this pledge right before you. Mindful that failure to do so will irreversibly bring the clock back to the point of no return. This is the pivotal moment where we reject our old demons, once and for all, and commit ourselves to secure the stability and prosperity of those to whom we are now accountable.

Allow me to conclude with a quote from a former British Prime Minister. In 2002, she wrote the European Union was a “classic utopian project, a monument to the vanity of intellectuals, a program whose inevitable destiny is failure.” Let me tell you loud and clear: on this day, 25 March 2057, she is proven wrong. The European Union has not failed! It has not failed because we are determined to achieve the impossible.

Long live the United Federation of Europe! Thank you!”

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