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This is my first editorial in politics, with a mystical touch.

After a standstill of 4 days, a nation holding its breath witnessing an unbearable suspense, finally, the results for the US 2020 presidential elections have been called. It seems that the man who, for the last four years, has monopolised most of the domestic and international news has eventually been given his final notice. To quote his favourite motto, like numerous media, the majority of the American people have delivered President Donald John Trump their verdict: “You are fired!”. Yes, the majority, there are no questions about it. Joe Biden leads by more than 4 million votes despite narrowly winning some key states. This is not a 2000 Bush-Al Gore scenario.

I am not going to linger in expressing any personal conviction or judging/condemn, one way or another, the 45th President of the United States of America. I leave that monumental task to the legions of historians and political analysts who, I assume, have already started to work hard on it.

No, I would like to reflect on this confounding epic. This man has managed to startle us, twice. Today, by losing. In 2016 by winning against all odds. And that is, and will remain, his main achievement. Whether you like or despise his persona, you cannot deny he succeeded were others might have pitifully failed. Never ever during those incredible times did he deviate from the path he followed right from the start, carried by the absolute conviction he knew better than anyone, that he was carried by the tides of history. It was his strength. It eventually became his ultimate demise.

It is rather difficult, in my opinion, to somewhat avoid admiring, even being fascinated by that imposing character who has managed to dominate the headlines, almost on a daily basis, for such a long period. Who can simply remain indifferent, detached or emotionless while facing that monolith? Because, yes, he is a monolith. A large, powerful man not willing to change and who does not seem interested in individual people, to quote the Cambridge Dictionary. It is like staring at a burning pyre: something you found mesmerising and tantalizing but dread to approach too closely, knowing it will devour you.

“Twitter Man” has accomplished something nearly none have succeeded at since the Second World War: taking over, on and on, our personal space over such a period. At home, at work, at break, at night, constantly present. To a point of suffocation at times. And this, despite the fact that we had already subconsciously been prepared to this mind invasion, this bodysnatching. Remember the Apprentice, one of the most popular American programs at home and abroad? Over the passing of four years, most of the world ended up dragged into scrutinising this Administration, this new version of reality show. It was kept wondering which next contestant will be dismissed, who would raise, who would slump (he is a property developer after all…). It had some sort of funny aspects initially (I personally thought so), but it quickly became tiring, exhausting, most probably due to an excess of repeats.

Despite the scandals, the affairs, the insults, the toxic attitudes and words, an over inflated ego, the love and hatred he inspired, yes, despite all odds, DJT stood firm, immovable. Engulfed in his convictions and certainties, he appeared unshakeable. We had to surrender to the evidence: Donald Trump was here to stay until the end, and nothing, or no one, seemed able to uproot him… And then, coming from nowhere, the momentum was abruptly stopped.

“Hold on a minute. Didn’t you mention “mystical”?” Yes, I am getting there. Leaving aside any personal religious belief, let us consider some facts. Forty-five has an extraordinarily strong religious supporting base of followers, so affirmed in their blind devotion it has been compared to a cult. To them, he his Moses liberating the oppressed from the tyrannical yoke of the liberal intelligentsia. Therefore, everywhere he appears, they fanatically worship him. They call upon God and Jesus, who are, without any doubts, walking alongside. Yes, he was religiously flawed in the past. But so was Moses. Yes, he has married three times. But so had Abraham. As the offspring of the first pilgrims who set foot on this land of plenty, centuries ago, they are the chosen people and God, in his benevolence, has finally sent them a second saviour. Hallelujah!

Well, here comes the irony. The guide, the stone pillar, the colossus suddenly stumbled on something unexpected, unpredicted. Not an act of man, but an Act of God (see that small print mentioned in your home or travel insurance). And it has taken the form of one of God’s smallest creation: a virus. A tiny-weeny insignificant creature. Like the plague in medieval times, it altered the course of history. Of course, I am not talking about the three days indulging stay at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. No, I am talking about what has been affecting globally this planet since the beginning of the year like the Bible’s 10th plague of Egypt. An invisible and insidious creature that no twitter post, no interview, no political meeting could slay with one verbal stroke. The “little flu” eventually managed to achieve what no national network, no vengeful ex-advisor, no impeachment procedure had. And you cannot stop that little thought popping out: has God winked at us, right there?

So, what now? At first sight, it seems that, once more, Good has prevailed over Evil, Justice is about to be restored, History is back to its natural course. But do not delude yourself, it is all over yet, and far from it. Undoubtedly, this was no accident, no historical hiccup. Some will try to convince you otherwise; they will be wrong. President Trump’s main legacy is the emergence of a new type of homo politicus. An odd assembly of diverse resentments and foul ideas, a Frankenstein creature that Mary Shelley would be jealous of. It is here to stay, at least for a foreseeable future, and it will not go into hiding in the face of defeat. Worse, it is not alone. Like a metastasis, it has spawned and spread all around the globe, and its roots are still firmly anchored. Make no mistake, Trump has not gone yet. He is still in power until mid-January next year. And you can be certain he is going to use this remaining time to rage, fight and generate as much harm as he can by rallying his supporters. If not for Covid-19, he would have been re-elected with a strong majority damaging American democracy even more than he already has. And, as a collateral, President-elect Joe Biden is now facing four years of a life-threatened existence, far exceeding the ones of his predecessors.

For as much as he breathes, Twitter Man will make sure his own existence is not forgotten. Whatever the odds have in store for him. And even once he is gone, others will claim his heritage, carry on the flame, try to launch a new conquest for power. Will they succeed? It will all rely upon the achievements of the next administration. Will they match or outshine their mentor? I doubt it. They will be pale copies, joining a long list of pathetic human beings claiming to be “true successors”. Trump’s personality is far too complex to be that easily cloned. But be mindful. Undoubtedly, a new monster is already lurking in the shadows. Slowly feeding and digesting on people’s resentments. Devising new plans. Patiently waiting for the right moment to emerge in the light and seduce new followers. We should not lower our guard.

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